Lewmar 15’1/4 G4&200′ 1/2 Line


MFG: 69000334

SKU: WT-LEW69000334 Category: Tag:

 Lewmar’s 3-strand rope is an economical choice for your windlass rode. Keep in mind, the windlass does not stow the rode in the anchor locker – gravity does. So make sure you have ample depth and volume in your anchor locker to accommodate the length of rode you have chosen.

3-Strand is typically 20-30% less expensive than premium plaited anchor line.

3-Strand line, when used in salt water, will stiffen over time. It can be soaked in a bucket of fresh water and fabric softener overnight (the longer the better) to bring back a more flexible condition. If this does not yield acceptable results, it should be replaced.

Additional information
Weight 20 lbs




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